
The Big Idea

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The Big Idea

Airports are such unique spaces. An in-between for countries, it’s neither here, nor there. It never really matters what time it is. It could be 3pm or 2am, but you can board a flight and step right back into 3pm again. The only thing that matters once you have passed the immigration and security lines, is how much time you have until boarding - 20 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour?

Airports are often associated with stress and anxiety. Intervals cocktail bar is here to help dissociate that- a place to slow down.

We have used the concept of intervals to design the interior flow of the space, creating unique ‘zones’ that tailor to guests on different journeys- be it single business travellers, or a group of friends going on holiday. The signature cocktail “flights” come in sets of two to five miniature drinks, allowing you to try several flavours depending on how much time you have before your actual flight.

At Intervals, we are here to be not just as an in-between portion of your journey in Hong Kong International Airport, but as a destination in itself. A world class cocktail bar that is worth checking in early for and planning into your travel itinerary, full of experiential elements and stunning vistas.

We believe the saying "the journey matters more than the destination" has never rang truer!